
It’s about us


此刻,我的心情壞透了。不斷祈禱,求天父帶我走出這個困局 。一幫甚麼人,竟能做出這般惡毒的事情 ,又有能耐跟我走遍天涯海角 ,尚刻意讓我知道。若單純想交朋友,在曰光下走出來打個招呼便可以,不與無名無姓的人結交是很正常的事。事到如今,已超越任何人能想像、理解和容忍的限度 ,你們真正讓我眼界大開。人性極盡扭曲和醜惡的陰暗面,曾以為已經看夠了;但原來,the worst is yet to come。你不單止在挑戰我的底線,而且在挑戰法律的終點,和天上至高者的權柄!

這是最後修和的機會,要不你退下去,要不我上前來。因你個人極端失常的行為,可能牽連眾多無辜的人受累。希望旁邊有理智清醒的人,能及時制止你繼續愚昧下去。今夜睡不了,身邊恰巧有本金庸作品集 ,正好翻看一下。飛雪連天射白鹿,笑書神俠倚碧鴛 – 霎時間有股凜然的豪俠氣慨湧現,屠龍刀已準備好,我生氣的程度……你可以想像 !


November 21, 2007 - Posted by | 警告


  1. I am not sure what had happend but I pray for you from my heart for the love and peace you longed for,I know the almighty god could listen to my pledge and please hold on, don’t give up and God will bring you the miracle. Cheers!

    Comment by Anonymous | November 21, 2007 | Reply

  2. Thank you so much. I’ve kept praying all day, don’t want to hurt anybody or to be hurt. In God we trust.

    Thanks again, my blessings to you…

    Comment by solitude100years | November 21, 2007 | Reply

  3. Haven’t checked mail for a while, what’s up?

    Take care and let’s talk soon!

    Comment by Big | November 21, 2007 | Reply

  4. Big Big

    What took you so long……haven’t slept for the last 30 hours, now I’m going to. Ya, talk to you later.

    Comment by solitude100years | November 21, 2007 | Reply

  5. Still not able to reach you, hope all is well with you. Somehow you need to get away form the turmor and forget all the things that are in sane. Afterall the world are beautiful and friends are around, cheers!

    Comment by Anonymous | November 22, 2007 | Reply

  6. Thanks, I guess you’re right, may be I should take a break and go for a vacation. Good to know that my pals are around 🙂

    Blessings to all………

    Comment by solitude100years | November 23, 2007 | Reply

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